They did. But the response was a scam. Remember those 95% efficacy rates. Remember you couldn't catch it or spread it if you were vaxxed? Remember all the people who lost their jobs because they refused to get vaxxed? Remember all the businesses they put under? Remember they outlawed the dispensing of drugs that were proving effective in credible studies around the world? And watch closely as cities and office parks become partial ghost towns because office workers discovered they could work from home.People died
No doubt . My father in law had Pneumonia was put in the Covid wing where he eventually died alone. Its very hard to imagine that after all the crazy shit theres a chance for rinse and repeat.And remember the people who couldn't go to hospitals or nursing homes to see their loved ones, many while they took their final breaths? Remember not being able to wake or be present for the burial of your loved ones?
Remember not being able to go to the hospital for treatments other than covid that people sorely needed? Many eventuated in death because of those policies.
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